Saturday, February 25, 2006

WaD A NicE dAe!!

helloz peeps...
this moRning,woke up eaRli and head off to Mum's house..i was bitten by a few mosquitoes at dadi's house..haiyah...
i was looking aRound the cemeteRy aRea..n i Realised that time moves fast and death is fasteR than time..hah,thats life..sumtimes i wondeR..wheRe will i b placed when my time comes..cos the land aRea Realli looked small..haiz...
oRites..afteR visiting,we went to!!kinda tiRing but i've bought lots of stuff foR miself!!hahakx...
k..iM tinking back that i shud give H the wad he sae,the pResent also belongs to him n not foR anione else...but how shud i tell him??leceh aRh..k nvm..if u coincidentally Read this paRt,please tell me ur views kay??My mind is full of shit now..i cant think matuRely..cant make decisions rightfully..i suck!!
eRmm.. i foRgot to update yestErdae..about wad happened in class..
Well,Mdm Suzanna was absent n my class was Realli enjoying having 3 fRee peRiods..Fatta n the otheR guys weRe having 3 peRiods of Recess..hahaha
n the Rest of us weRe plainly playing this game called "KISS OR TORTURE"..its kinda fun..u noe ..get to see pple like aisyah n muhammad kissing each other..elvina kissing wee you..n the woRst paRt is,Jian zhi kissing MUhammad!! Ewwww...that was pRetty disgusting actualli..but i jus love the class to b this wae..UNITED!!!
i wasnt playing with them cos i'm scaRed that i will i walk around volunteeRing miself to help collect the histoRy homewoRk..but i gt bullied by Faizul & Razali...Ali poked my face with the oRange plastic tingy..n whilst i was peeping into it,he pushed the thing & soaR my eye..Thanks to Ali that i felt DAMN sleepy afteR that n eventually fell asleep at the sofa aftER i Reached home...KURANGASAM!!
haha..den in the nite..i was fun..singing alone..kiss awae gdbye to sadness,gRieF..n i felt Relaxed that wae..
ouh ya..have i told u that one of Dad's biRd was wanted by a man with a cost of $4000??oh my god!!thats lots of money..but Dad wasnt that stupid..he told the man that his biRd would at least cos 10,000bucks...because it can sing Real weLL..
n a few daes aftER the offeR..the foRtunate biRd Refused to sing..ahahah..
i think that he doesnt want to be sold..he loved being aRound with me...hahah..cos i alwaes sing to him..sum bollywood cRap song i made up foR all 6 of Dad's biRds..sumtimes they cud understand i guess..wenever i sang to them,they'll look at my face..paying full attention..haha..but i jus love to distuRb them..u noe...catching their featheRs..n making awful sounds that will make them fly cRazily inside theiR cages...hohohooo...
SabiRa is sooo BAd!! bUT i Noe thEy LOvEs Me!! cos im alwaes the one hu pats on the head wen Dad feeds them..n they'll make that cute face at me..haha..biRds aRe sooo adoRable..
kk...stop talking about biRds now..
well,we bought BaRsaat kaRaoke disc jus now..n i've tested it out songs aRe nice..
hmmm...noting much to sae aRh..thats all i guess...
Barsaat ke din aaye
Mulaquat ke din aaye
Hum soch the ke jinke
Us raat ke din aaye..........

Thursday, February 23, 2006


back at last...
im getting so cooonfused with maths..
but im trying my best to understand...
well,..skewl is going on fine...
me getting along well with all my frens...
n of cos with nazia..she's jus damn funnie arh...
Jolene msged me about our frenship...but i jus dunnoe wad to reply arh...
jus blur arh..i tot that 4e2 can b united..hope so...
tings going on quite well..
english test sucks man!!
i tink i'll fail it..alamak...leceh arh...
after skewl,i go to kfc at Farna & Isya..isya teach me n farna maths n poa...
quite ok arh...i was able to understand..kind of arh..
den jus balek...
well..i was suppose to mit H todae..
but i cancelled it...
well,since he ikes sumone else...
i shudnt b in his wae...
its just my BAD LUCK...haiz...
sedih2..tapi nggak mengapa dong...
aku maseh bisa kok bergembira seperti seedia kala...

mengapa hidupku begini?..
adakah ia takdir??
tetapi,tiadakah sentuhan hati??
yng dapat menyeleraikan semua ini??..

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


shit!! mY lIfe suCkS!!
Lucky..I stIll Got My OThEr fRens To REly on..
All i Got to sae is...
BoTh oF u CAn SAe as MUch as u wan..
Call me a hypocRitE iF u LIke to...
SiNdiR me as Much too...
i wunt bother..
i wont care..
i'll jus keep my ears close..
i reaLLi dun mean to hurt u...
But iTs all FAted i guEss..
Thats the best REason i can cum up With..
n if one dae, we were destined to b tOgetHer Again..
Den, we shuD Jus AccePt It...
im Jus too sick n tired of wads Going On...
K larHs...
my LOve sToRy SuCkS!!
My FreNshIp SuCkS!!
My STuDiEs SucKs!!
wadeva larh!!


LuV YA aalWaes..
UUr DauGHtER...

Monday, February 20, 2006

SuNo SunO...

LaDies n gentlemen..Boys n gals...i've never felt so hurt before as of todae..
There's a miXtURe oF EmoTioNs TodaE..
FiRsT thIngS fIrSt...I'Ve ReallY bEen ThINkIng thOroUGhly.
AbouT FrenshIp, RElatIonShip n even FamilYshiP..
wen I Got To SkEwl Ths MorNing..I GoT a Bad SpEecH Frm (J)..
I felT REallY bAd..That i"ve dEciDed That I sHud JusT EsCapE frM thEm...hmmm...
OthER FreNs were all AwaiTing My PresEnCe In TheIr Grp..n They Got WoRRied Of Wad That had HappeneD to mE...
I've GoT noTinG mUch To Sae..Cos I tiNk iTs FOr The Best...
N Back A Few MinUtEs ago...I acTualli had a nIck FiGht WiTh (J)
I jUs dun wAnna Talk..Its Jus sOOOO FunniE...
aNd AT thE saMe TimE...I Was huRt By (H)..
He's SeeiNg SumOnE ElSe & HopEs That She"S thE rIte One...
Of Cos I was DAMN hEarTbRokEn..Wad a Bad lUck...
I tHouGHt That evRiTink Is BAck To nOrMAl..BaCk To DAe One i mEAn...
He nevEr KnEw HoW i KepT thIs fEElinG insiDe mE fOr THe lAst Two years..
Guys...Wad they noe??NoTIng..ComPlETely notiNg...
they jus noe how to breaK a gal's hEart..
tHey can bLooDy easilY FoRget about a gal,n Move on...
thats my life...
i juz cudnt stop crYing wen he told me that...
n evritime i criEd,i'll jus miss my Mum..
Mum,I loVe u sOooo Much..SumTimEs i WoNDer..Wen Will b the nExt timE i'll mEEt u..I juS mIss U so mUch..EvrYdae i prayEd thE bEst For u..n hope that u
in RetuRn wiLl Pray for me too...
Luv u MUM..LuRve u Sooo MuCh!!
oh ya!!wanna nOe sumTing??
I passEd MY mAths!!YEAh!!AlhAMdUllIllah...
Thats the ONlie tIng That cHeeREd Me Up...
n OF Cos LinA's PreSenCe,plUs ernie,isYa,nuRRein,jiaLing,Muni,malia...all arh..
im jus sooo hapiE..Now???
Not ReallIe...
Feel HURt,StrEss..SaD,StUpiD,FreaKIng tIRed!!Aiyah!!
K larh..BubbyEs..HopE thERes no more stUff happeniNG...
NoT reAlli...
I KinDa miss them,but no...
K arh..ByeS..
Hope theres no mishap for me tom.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


noting much to sae todae...
takder criter best arh!! hahah...
Well, i'll b mting lina tom. b4 skewl...
haiz..we gonna b together...Yeah!!!
K...gtg...cos there's realli NOTING to write!!

Haaha..Sooo HApiE!!!

HELa...Im sOO hapi Todae...
Lina's CumIng To SkEwl ToMoRRow..
N iM baCk BeIng FreNs wiTh HIm AfteR mUch PerSuaSioN..
It Was REalli Hard To pErsUade hiM n ConVinCe HIm To FoRgEt aBouT iT!!
N i Was SuCcEssFul!!
AlhamDuLiLlah..I cant BeliEve My LUck!!
TaNks TO GOD!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Hey3...dah lama KitA Tk TulIs...
SoRie eh..Was QuiTe Busy..With scHoolWoRk..
Too much hW n TesTs!!
N i Fail PhySiCs & GeoGrApy..It SuCks!!My MinD sTartS tO whiRl,ThinKinG AbOUt The WoRsT..FailInG O LEvEls i mEan...
weLl..Lina Wil B cUminG Back To SchOoL This mOndae..Yeah!!
NwaEs..TeacHer ChanGEd OUr SeatIng ArrAngEment..CuRrenTly I'm SIttiNg In the MiddLE of FaiZul & Sean..U noE Its Kinda LIke there's no FreeDom For mE...Haiz...Nvm lArh..At leasT thERe is Faizul That I cUd TAlk To..haha
Ya & OnE stuPid ThinG Is That The dIscIplIne commIttE Will HAve to DecORate The Board...Aiyah!!! LeceH arh!!
nVm..But Now Wad That woRriEs Me..Is ..How Do i xPLain To Nazi & joLene That Lina Realli Needs me..She has No fRens..WEll,Nazi & JOlene Are 2 VerY sesitIve pPle..i Jus hOPe That We CAn AlWaEs Stay ToGeTher Even With LinA ArOuNd..Hope that They UnderstaNd..
Well,Im In loVe WiTh THe SoNg HAMPA..Its Jus SuCh a SWeet soNg..HAha
JiWang..bUt I hatE The SingeR's VoiCe..Too DraGgIng..
Ouh Ya..I mIss MUm LOtS..Jus LoVe Her SOoooo mUch...
Dad Is Sick LateLy,Kaki BengKak LikE hELL..Haiyah!!
I mUs stay StRonG no mAtter Wad HAppen..

Saturday, February 11, 2006

SlAMAt Pagi semUa!!

AssaLammualaiKum...Salam SejahtERa dan Selamat PAgi RAkan2ku Sekalian..
Di pagI YnG inDah Ini;
SeORang WaNita MenanGis SEoRang Diri..
IngIn Ku TerangKn apa Yng Telah TerJadi;
KeRna Ia MerOasaKkn Plan Hari ini...
arGh!!! GeraM SEy...
ThERe's suPpose To b A sUrPrIse BUrfDae ParTy FoR Sabina..
CanT beLieVe that DAD has Spoil It All...Alarh..Leceh aRh...
I WAs DAMN anGrY!!
He Tok AbouT It wen Sabina's IN The Room...
AiYooooo....SakiT hatI CHek...
For 2 WeeKs I kEpT the SuRpriSE LoW-pRofIle & mY DAD DesTrOyEd It In Jus 2 mInuTes???
K Larh LIkE WAdeVa!!!
bUT it dOES maTTeR!!
MoREoVer, hE Tok AbOUt It LOUdLy..vEn The PPle sLeePInG Cud Hear Wads thE conVerSatIon abOUt RiTe??
UnlEss She's the tyPe That "TIDO MAMPOS!!"
But I nOe She"s NOt..N Thats Y I'm WoRRyINg Rite now...
arh yES!! I Ws Too FruStrAteD tHAt I CrIed DuRing My moRning PraYers...
Thats Wad i'll Do WEn I Get AnGRiE WiTH DAD Coz I HAve NO RiGHtS tO ShouT agaInst HIm!!
OK forGet It...Now LEts taLk My FreNs' resuLts For O levels aiTes..I'll jus B StatiNg TheIr L1R4!!
  1. Ahmad Zaki-7
  2. Rohani-14
  3. Suriana-24
  4. izhar-17
  5. Hajar-19
  6. Saiful Basri-12
  7. SuWei-19
  8. Ammar-14(i Guess)

Thats FreaKing Gd!!!I'm Gonna TrY mY BEst ThiS yEar..Im not Up to FailIng It!!!

Friday, February 10, 2006


Looking at mY frens recEiving theiR resUlTs REalli Shook mY ass...
i Saw LinA CriEd...Thats sO sad!!!
I Was ReallI ParaNoiD man!!
I weNt hOme N Was in A TraNcE...
SabRiNa Called mE & tok abOUt Our CumINg EXam!!
We R Damn ScAred Of failIng Maths!!
ThAt Will BriNg Us TO noWheRe...
NwaEs...Yesterdae, i chattEd With khairyll asralph...Sedare jauh..He's sooo Cute!!N Funny plUs SElengeh at THe same Tym...haha...
thEre was a malay TesT juZ now..DAMN haRd man!!!
TheRe's a BiG evenT tOmoRRow..
I'll updaTE On it Real Soon!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


HeY2...SabIra Here...
kk lets staRt...WeLl i Was QuiTe anGriE at HiSyam FoR noT tuRNinG uP oN TuEsdAe..He AskEd To mIt Yet He's The One Hu DidNt ComE?? Wad Da hEll??I Feel VerY hUrt!!
Ouh Ya!!!I TerCut My FrIngE!! & It DefInIteLy SuCk!!! I hate IT!!!
haha..Nwaes My SmaRt EnGliSh TeacHer Mr. Ng...VolUnTeeREd My Name & naZi'S namE To Be THe EmCeeS fOr SpEeCh Dae!!aLamak!!lEcEh arh...NK aUdItIon LaGik!! LebIh Baik PI AudItIon SingapoRe IdoL SeY!!!hahhaa...
ThIS WeeK MOvEs KinDa FAst..Im haPIe That weeKEnd WiL b ArNd sOOn!!
OUh ya!! Tom WuD B juDgEmEnt Dae FOr All mY fRenS...Its The ReCeIvIng Of O lEvEls ReSulTs..JusT wannA wiSh TheM all Da bEst!! Miz U gUys Sooooo MUch!! mUacKs!!!
Till Den...

Monday, February 06, 2006


Hello evrione!!
skewl has been great fUN!!!
iTs all Fun & lAughtER..
But NOt unTil i Get hOme...
Wanna Mit Mum..but she wasNt there!!!
My brader Izhar has bEen a gReat sUppOrt...ThanKs Bhai!!!
Fatin iS Oso Der..N farZanah Too...
WEell..These are The Gd Pple..
N yup....
i will b miting him tom...
FoR the last TymE mayb??
I HopE noT!! I didnt Want It...ItS hiS deCiSion..Humph!!

i StiLl caRe FoR him..But hE dOesNt EvEn Care...Wad To Do...???
Im a GAl AniWaes...n Hes Not The Onli Guy..ToiNK!!!
WadEveR iT is...Im hapiE thE wae i"m nOw!!!
NotIng To WoRRy aboUT...