Wednesday, October 25, 2006

SlaMAt Hari Raya aiDilFiTri!!
A bLAst YesTeRdae Yet i FelT so BoRed...DreSSEd in lEngah..wiTh HiCk MAke-Up & Coiled Around mY nEcK TuDung WiTh Those bLooDy High Heels...It Was Fun That all Cuzies Were ToGEthEr...It Was KAK Ana's BuRfDea even..we had a caKE..TooK sum PIcs wiTh mY Young Cuzzies...N thEre's a pIc Of cUtE SHaKila... :)
Lastly,a piC oF mE & SabINa...Pple SaId WE LookEd Like ARabs Wearing tudungs..Our lengahs Were he maiN attRAcTion..haha..yalah,oo coLouRfUl!!
Money was Big..haha..yeah hapPy But TiRed!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

hahaha....hello peeps...las fridae on the 20th of october was a history by us,the gang..instead of studying,we were cooking our break dishes together...hahaha...
it was a disaster...ya with sum pple who cant see mutton with blood & prawns with their heads..wad more placing the bagedil ino the hot sizzling oil...HORRIBLE!!!
nk poong daging aje arnd 30 mins...crazee man...
dishes on menu are...beef sick black pepper,chilli sweet & sour prawns,honey chicken & our special bagedil!!
heys aid that onli my chilli prawns turns out well..i thought the beef was ok too...all was so spicy hat we had a long drink plus talk after our buker...
but alogether it was fun duh!!
we even played bunga api...bu nazi misses the fun cos she went off earlier for sum reason..
at last aisyah kena grounded...kesian lah dier...
Wad a GrEAt DAe..took a cab hm & DAmn we were so noisy...hahahah...
ouh ya,we wached ELAAN ogether...nice..imran merajok n all...with the presence of the cute cat nex door...meow..


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

hey...Jus drOppiNg bY To Wish Mum a VerIe hapIe buRfDae...
Ermmm...Miss U mum...Missed GiVing u presents,carDs & Flowers...
LiFe Is bOrIng w/o u Mum..i noe u kneW It!!
hoW i WiShed tHat u CuD be Back WiTh us.its DefInItElY IMpoSibbLe But i Really mIssEd u...
HopE That u'll pray FoR oUr Family's pRospERity & for me mum,to paSS my Exam..
HopE That u'll Alwaes surrOunD us all,That loves u sooo much!!
in LOvIng MeMoRy Of

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Los of Pics from sunDae's Family GatherIng at mY houSe...
DreSsing Up NoRmaLLy,all RElatives are welcOmed!!!
the BUka pUasa was On...wiTh bOnesteak n suJi oPn the menu..
EvrIone were enJoying the Feast,while i'm aking care oF the Twins...Cos Im nt FastIng...
den we had piCtuRes Taken...abt the WreStLinG..the mad Family...The kids...n i had a pic takEn WiTh Jansher..hur..of all Pple...nVm bout HIm.
We Had a Hard TYme tAking PIcs cos EvrIwhEre we go,SyiRa wiLL bE thEre...But iT WAs FuNNy Though...DUn mInD iT!!!
HE mOST ExCIING oNE Is THAT fadIl Slept On my ShoulDer & I've SuCCeeD In MakIng HIm stop CryIng...Ya LikE was Kak Ana says,"U Are FiT tO bE A Mom aREadY"...hahhaha...
Dad's BuRFdae Cake WAs a BlaSt..He Was smIlinG so sweETly...heheh..
TheY lEft RAnd 10 cos TheIr ChIlDren HAve To Go to SchOOl The neXt Dae..
i Had scHool Too bUt i Was StuCk WiTh The CraMPs & The Bad FloW!!
MooD ChanGes By The nIte..i Gt So FuRioUs EasilY & wIll Start O shoUt At sabiNa...So SoRiE!!! & for No ReasOn,i CriEd...I WEnt OUtsiDe The HOuSE & Sat On the ChaIr..WhIlE CrYinG ,i DiDnt REalise That ThERe's A guY Cuming DoWn The staIrs...n He was KiNda ShoCk I guEss....i QuicKlY hId mY iDentity Awae...haha.PAiSey Actualli...Den WenT O NAna's HouSe...Cik moN kasi Kuih..YumYum...Den HOme..
k Larh,i've gtg...nk gOsok Baju 11 Gt Skewl..PhY LArh!!k bubbyes!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Jus WaNNa UpDate A bit AbouT mY mIseRabLe LifE nOw!!
I ReGrEttEd Wad I dId On The nIte Mum pAssEd AwaE..
i thOt Back & I REalIsed That i ShUd AccoMpanY Her bY hEr SiDe InStEAd oF StaYing at my Cuz's HouSe..
I fElT BAd!!
Mbak SaiD That dad's hEart is Weak,Sunk me MOre in DilemMA..
I woUldn't Want tO lose AnothEr Loving PersOn iN thE HOuSE..
Its nt That i Cant AccEpT iT, iTs Jus That i Dun Wanna CrY AnimOre..
LoSiNg A Guy That i HeaRtEd Was HArd Enuf...
& ReceivIng bad News or proBablY BAd PercEptIon of mE abt tIngS that I NevEr Did WAs DouBle The HUrt!!
OnlY ALLAH noEs Wad i Was GoiNg thRu Last yEar..
AyIt iS Back..That BrIghTens mY liFe ABit..
BuT i cant AvOid THe fEEliNg of HAtrEdneSs ToWards the oThEr ONe ToWarDS Wad He'Ve DonE..
Has nT bEen ConTrIbUtiNg To ThE FamIlY YeT WaNnA HAVe A Say...
Realli deSpiSed Him bUt ThERe's nOtinG That I cUd Do To REsOlVe ThE mAttER BcOs Of age...
My stuDiEs DiD imPrOvEd But Am still DIssApointed wiTh mY mAths..
Frens weRE CuDdly Enuf To Go tHru ThiCk & thIn WiTh..
Bu oF cOs ThEre Are HyPOcRiTes INCLUDING me!!
No one CoulD haVe AgrEEd MoRE TAt u wUd HAve at leasT been A hypoCrItE onCe!!
The DauNtiNg ArriVal of My DooM dae is KillIng me Yet i DiD nOtIng To Scare less..
ShIVerIng & crYiNg in SilEnce..i JUs HAte This fEEliNg IN mE!!
ThiNkiNg Of MUm PresEnCe wen bReaKinG Fast!!
Esp. yes wen Dad & mE WeRE alonE..
NoBoDy SeeM To Care..
EvEn iF thEy WeRe,i WoulDnt LIke iT..
They wud inTErFERe wiTh My LiFE MAttERs..Of WAd i Wanna Wear FoR HAri Raya & EvRiTiNk..Jus hAte it!!
Its My LIfE & This's mY hOme...
ItS mY oWn wiSh To Do Wad i liKe wIth God's PerMission In Hand..
ThE tHouGHt Of DyInG HAunTs me...
That i'Ve BeeN pRayIng & REadINg The QuRan LIkE cRazEE..
I Jus waN FoRgIvEnEss..Thats aLL..

Friday, October 13, 2006

TolD Ya ThERe Are lots Of PiCs...
wIth fuNNie Lina,CuTe ali,SmIleY PIxiES N my Hot NG!!!
jus kIddInG...Njoy the piCs!!! :)

There2 more piCs...
Me with the Guys..
LuQman,Say ChiAk,NancHinG & FaizuL..

hahah...GrAduAtion PicS...
NoTinG mUch To wrItE on...
So Jus undErsTand Thru The PicS YA!!!
MoRe PIcS CumIng In nxt UpDate!!!


hey there..
lama tk update eh kItEr...
haahaha...HAve been quiTe bZ aCuAlli..
wiTh Wad??
With POntEng skOla...
hahha...was kinda siCk,Having Stomach flu n evrITinK..
3 dAes StRAiGHt Tk PI Skool...FreNs were MiSSing mE...
But i Feel V.guiLty Cos i'Ve NT bEen StuDyiNg...
The MooD Jus Wasnt There...
Had A HArd tYme to soRt THinGs Over...
NothIng SeeMs RyTe...
EvRiDae Its tv,MusIc & sleep...
GoD Im helPLesSS...
My MinD's In A mEss..
InstEad Of ThiNkinG bOUt my O's,I Was AcTuaLLi ThINkInG bOut DecORatIng The hOUse For Hari Raya..Lampu kelap-keliP LaRH..rEAARanGing oF fUrnIturEs LAh..mcm2 BenDe MerePek mAin di fikIRan!!
ok LAh...Hope i SedAr sOOn Yer...
GrADUatIoN Dae tOm...BYES

Sunday, October 01, 2006 are the pics taken after buker puaser.
the one with frens were at parkwae parade's banquet.
n the one with cuzzie is at my home.the familey buke here yes.had asam pedas & mi goreng plus bandung & cakes.nice.
todae wil be heading to their hse
havent done ani hw yet.apalagi blaja.
jus too tired ar.
noting much to sae.heh.
wishing all muslims a veri hapie fasting!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Yup...forgot to tell you guys that my cuz Sharon has departed..she went back to Canada last mondae..haiz...the last few pics taken with her on a precious,memorable nite!! :) miss u shaRon!!

PicTures at Yaya's BurfDae Party

GenTinG piCs!!!

me with frens on my burfdae!!

me & fana on my happiest dae!!

long tyme never write eh

so much had happened....
firstly,it was my burfdae party..
kinda funny & it was the first tyme that my frens came to celebrate with happy!!! so many nice2 presents...thanks guys!!
den we had a 2 nite genting was fun with the twin babies,their first holidaes n they were actualli shivering under their blankets...haha.soi cute!!
den its yaya's burfdae party!!me n 4 others performed a mixed dance where all 100 pple were staring at us!!!kinda paiseh but we realli had fun!!
my prelims wasnt that bad!!yet i still cant get a pass for my maths...that sux!!but Dad says "try harder" nice of him...but the other subjects realli shook me...i did better than wad i had doas terkabul!! the next post..i'll try to put up my pics ah....ok...happy fasting evrione!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

BAck AT LAST!!!!

hey there peeps...sorie for the long disappearance.
my comp was on mc for a few weeks.
much had happened...
i went on a holidae to genting during the september holidaes!!
the prelims were jus crazeee!!!
& had jus performed in kak yay's burfdae party n dance all the wae man..
tranced by a couple of gdlooking guys whom i dun recognize..
jus sad that it lasted onli for a few hours n den hew's gone.
at which we sees him off..
the twins are BOTAKS now!!!
damn cute...
as i learn to upload photos from the digicam,i'll show ya all evritink..
so til den...doodle,toodle ar wadeva lar.
O levels in a months off to study(i hope)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

came back late yesterdae...
the last dae of the werkshop was so motivating!!
its the last dae we spend our dae with the trainers which once bring life to our lives.
they taught us soooo much that i didn noe how to thnk them.
the last part of the dae sucks!! arh
it was disheartening to see frens crying,even louis did!!
im so proud of him.
his courage to go up the stage n ask for forgiveness from his parents really did wonders.
i wanted to go too..but dad is not there.
& mum mite not even hear..
i criousli wanted to sae the magical werds to them.
but i didnt have the chance.. :(
my frens who'd supported me wen i started crying..i jus appreciate it...thnx frens..
especialli Ernie,Aisyah,Lina,Fana,Nazi,Lene,Nurrein,Ama,Muni,Jialing,Romei,Mic,Limei...
they'd seen me crying my tears out & vice versa.
i felt greatful to have frens like them.
even kartika whom i've never talk to gave support to me.ow sweet!!
going home,i dried my tears..
dad picked me up..but still i cant tel him.
im disappointed in miself.realli.
i hid my eyes so that he wont noe that i cried.
seeing my frens hugging their parents while walking home,hurt my heart.
the last tym was onli wen mum was around.
i smiled in my sleep dreaming about my new dreams.
i wanted to pass my O levels soo much that brought me thinking about the future.
but still the pain hurt me.wad if i cant???
hugging my form teacher realli made me realise how motherl she was.
tot of hugging mrs lee n ask her y she wanted to sack me.
that tot made me cry even more...that ernie gave me a tight hug.thnx!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

hey hey hey..
im so motivated[sarcasm]
after 2 daes attending the werkshop,damn i felt so tired!!!
the trainers were entertaining though.cant stop laughing man.esp. the cute one,GARY!!!haha

we've gone thru so much in 2 daes.
that we ended up crying jus now.
its jus my nature to cum up n hug my frens. mucus were slowly flowing down but stuck to my nose..
its jus soooo sad!!
cant tahan man!!

den,another shocking news hit me.I kena sack from the prefectorial board.
no idea wad it was about.asked cherie,she oso dunnoe.aiyah mrs.lee,wad have i done???
chance lah dey..served for 5 years n no inkling chance for me eh???haiyah!!!
mampos aku!!!
ok arh...i wanna sae I LOVE U TO SABIRA & DADDY & MUMMY & GARY & DANNY!!!!

haha..the werkshop reali make mi gile[smelly pantats]hehe
ok nites...
besok tak bngn mampos aku!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

me & my given by him for my other one is MINE!!!haha...nwaes skewl was fine.had fun during p.e.we played as a!!!except for sum.the rest of the dae was tiring but i pull thru as i hit the physics test.i jus hentam like crazee..haha.den go hm n im on the comp all the wae.sharmaine came n mandi jus in love with the krissh song.

aao sunao pyar ki ek kahani.ek tha ladka ek thi ladki deewani.hehe


Monday, July 17, 2006

went to aunt dad's house.
jus hang arnd with funnie cuzzies.
n hear the makciks sindir the braders.
haha..kesian uncle bu kena..
watched wrong number for awhile.
den alek.
i cant sleep..dunnoe why..
n had a hard tyme waking up.
ermm...lina came late..
first ting in the thiru asked y i didnt cum on saturdae.
n that sung oso ar.
our class kat bawah tadik...gerek.
gt health probs.
physics mr thia asked y we didnt cum pon.hahas.
recess mkn mee soto...yumyum
malay was so fun.we had a great tyme reading out the passage in many2 tones.
onli aisy & fana noes.hehe
chem was fast!
after skewl me n fana pi mkn kat kfc.
the rest balek.
den lepas mkn kiter dok bawah blok mkn choc n read magazine.
sat for the the exam.yea.i hope i get full marks for that.insyaallah!
n ya...i nearly shit while reaching my hm.
i was sprinting like a crazee gal like duh dat nazi & lina laughed at me.
n oops the shit dropped jus on time IN THE TOILET BOWL!!!hehe
wad a narrow escape!
i did a bit of chem n spend the rest of my tyme 0n the comp!
ok arh...bye!!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

tot of uploading sum pics up...
but its not my dae arh.
[granduncle passed awae yesterdae]onli God noes wad im going thru now!
i dreamt that nanayit dah alek.n dad said that he's getting married.i was thrilled!!
did noting much todae.
after the visit then i realised many ppeps were looking for me.
they tot i overslept.
min came over n we tried looking for a dance but haiyah...dunnoe arh...jus tired.
im all alone now.
gd nyte!!

Friday, July 14, 2006

thats my 1st niece from dad's syde.

name is IANS UZAY!!!

cute kn????

i noe... :P


there's history test...pretty ok...

den gt the sexuality werkshop...erghh...

how disgusting...!!!

lots of stares & hatred from bitches from other wadeva!!!

the stares were for my frens...NOT ME!!!i dun mind...but watch ur eye man!

petang went shopping at johor...

buy mani stuffs like baju & FOOD!!!


besides getting scolded by ng tai seng.i didnt go for the physics lessons..

i had a bad headache.too tired i guess..

so went home n met up with jasmine...

sharmaine came here.

pretty fun choosing song for yaya's birthdae party..

its gonna b a blast!!


i've got to leave earli tom.

nid to pick up litters at east coast..haiz..



Tuesday, July 11, 2006

well...a normal kenduri at first.
den the terror came.ermm...mbak came.
it was sooo scary!!!
sabina n jasmine kene cos they smoked.
i saved.she onli says,"dah,masok sayang!"... :p
den...yaya came to ask us gals to dance fer her burfdae party...
we were definitely in for it!!!
it will b of great fun!
huh...the last part.
we had cuddly toys fight..
i can say 2 vs 1.
sabira vs jansher & kunal.
how can that b fair????
i was oinned like an idiot on the floor n they kept bantai-ing me on my head!!!
humph!!!all of us were in sweating duh!!
n ya! i tickled jansher all the wae...he cant tahan n ended up with serious flu...ahhakx.
we were like bestfrens.he showed me aisyah. :)
ooooooo...they broke up two months ago.
so sad!!! :'(
hahahhahahaha...ok enuf laugh.
the kenduri was like hari raya.
all of us got a packet of money 'to buy sweets??'
hahaha...funnie enuf.
den kunal was like asking all to absent ourselves from school jus to watch the werld cup finals at his house.CRAZEE!!!
skewl was terrific...i dunnoe...
sumting urged me to b so smangat fer skool...
with 6 absentees in class.
i sat thruout the dae...haha
den went out with min & ben...jalan2....
actualli min came over to my house ajer n jln2 at central jer.
we had fun..but ben was burnt out
cos dier dah break ngan pai tersyng die.
arggh!!!!!!stupid pai!!!
i sent min home...
a couple of funni things happened todae.
firstly,its elly's burfdae & guess wat she got???
>>>>>LINGERIE!!!<<<<(pink ones)
ermmmm....the class were discussing bout the tchers dae concert during mdm suzanna was feeling unwell.
jolene wasnt talking to mie....fer wad reasons,i dun care!
[chatted with danny yesterdae tho] :)
all were concentrating to her lectures wen a hp beeps...
not once but twice!!!
damn loud esp. wen pple shutted their mouths closed n stared at the gal bside me...
i was stiff.
its her mum!!!
ooops...wad are u waiting fer???
nazi slept in CLASS!!!
in the discipline mistress's class for god sake!!!
went hm n out again.
ben went swimming.
i go jln2 with min...ate at ljs.
n SHIT!!!
[saw nasyitah this morning tho]
met them n home...
played at the playground.CHILDISH!!!
n HOME!!
a decision was made at last..
we are gonna dance to the beat of BOLE CHUDIYAN REMIX!!!!
orites...sum hw to do...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

woke up late again heehs.
went to cik min's house...i carried fadli..awwww...soooo cute!!
they are biger now...ayes opened wide & their cries..argh!!!
i love the smell of them..babies smell..
tot that we cud spend the nite there...
but aba came to pick us up...we pi mkn at istanbul.
i was damn thirsty...haha..
home at 12 g2...
sabina dah stead ngan dier!!
i cried in silence.
no one noes.
bangun lmbt again...
not even a single hw done.
my maths textbk with nazi & she's M.I.A!!!
wheRe the hell is she!!!???
got kenduRi at aunt prem's house...
its raining orite. :}
ok arh...nk kuar nie...bubbyes...
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Ek BeWAFA HAi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Friday, July 07, 2006


heRe GoES MY StOrY...
So Well...We TooK JamE's Hp & StaRtEd ClIcKing All The Wae...A fEw ShiTTy PiCs But I wonT pOst TheM!!!haha....

<<& dIs 2 iDioTs!!!
SamE sToRy...It WasNt ThEir TuRn To PLay..So Dey Got boRed..N Ya...PhoTosHooT thEmSelVes...n DeY lOOk mOre To PaTheTiC Than AppEalIng...HaiZ...
"im sorie,u are not photogenic at this competition is not for u after all...the door is there...GET OUT!!!"hahahaha

Didnt REaliSe HOw we bCamE bEst Of fRens...haha...
BanYAk JoDoh Tu!!! :p

iT hAppened 5 Tymes in SimEi...
StIll HAve The TYme to Take pics...
WoNderIng hu's the foUrth PersOn??
Our CamerAwoMAn,JASmIne!!! HAHAkx

Hai Min...TemPAt teRAng POn TDo kEr??? otHer 2 MonKeYs M.I.A...haha
[jangan marah]

well...wen i came to skewl todae...i felt happy..seeing my frens after absenting myself yes. due to some reasons.that u shudnt noe why...hehe
nazi still wasnt around..
im feeling verie worried for her...i tried calling her hp & home but there wasnt any reply...did anitink happen to my precious fren???
i hope she'll call asap.
errmmmm...there's class deco coming around.
class decided to join the teachers' day concert.")i like!!!!
went out with fana to the lib n then shopping..
saw schumi tapi tk sempat lambai.
bought an anklet but the wrong one...[jus too noisy]
sabina still sleeping...
i dunnoe larh...
i scolded her yes. cos she cudnt do a simple algebraic maths qn.
n u noe,bad werds splurt out from my foul mouth...
she left the room n cried...i cried too...
cos i remembered that mum doesnt like us to fight.
im so sorie sabina!!
i love u alwaes my dear sis.
otay...i gtg.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<kal ho naa ho>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

ThiS mOrNinG wOKe Up LaTe...
Haha...LuCkY bEn Masok LmbT...hehe
Me & Fana kelAm kABot Tie RiBBon On AisYah PrEssie.
Den Gt Late To sKewl...SuCCessFuLL HIdIng The pReSEnt Awae From AisYah Cos Its NoT dOnE Yet!!
ChEm Was tOTal CrAp!!!
MalAy Jus do Maths Same as POa...BORING!!!
PhySiCs WAs YucKy...
I SAt WiTH Fana!!
N M.T cuDnt HeaR my ansWeR WeN hE AsKed...IDIOT!!!
hE tOt That I WasNt PayIng AttENtIoN...Wad DA hEll!!! CRAP!!!!
GeOg Was FasT...MathS oSo LOr...
NAzI DidNt TUrn Up Fer 2 Daes...KinDa Miss Her...
k Arh..i've got To stUdy FoR rAdiOActIViTy or Taht MonkEy WiLL kiCk my Ass... :)

<<< mausam ka har aandaz bhi,teri aada bangaya....>>>

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


lama tak update eh...
mari saya critekn sedikit2 yer....
went to auntie nir's house..makan nasi ayam!!!yumyum!!!
jus karaoke lah...not cuzzies...jasmine came...we had fun duh!!!
n the best...we smoke shisha[dunnoe how to spell it]
tot it was alrite cos aba didnt sae aniting...but min says its effects are 8 times of smoking a cigarette...hahah...sorie...i didnt noe...hahaa
nasi sudah menjadi bubur!! :)
its youth dae!!! i kluar with ben,min,fana & aini...
i bought skool shoes...ate at ljs...
took neoprints yeah...
sum gals stared at us & sabina went to confront them...haha
funnie like hell..since wen she bcame like that oso i dunnoe...
i'll post the pics wen i get them worries.
den kiter pi eastpoint.
played pool with 3 underaged pple...
ya,saw farah,tarah,farid & aizuddin...
as i watch fana,ben & aini sneak in...
me & min were playing happily...
i was abit crazee i can sae..suddenli i started laughing like mad!!
bought kfc for dinner..home,watch tv n slept at 2 plus cos my teeth pain!!!
tot the new shoes was nice...but todae was a disaster...
first ting,saw mr by car!!!haha skewl...the monster!!!arghh!!!dah kene...SHOES!!!
den...english ng came bhind me n asked if the shoes were legal...haha
nwaes,hapi burfdae NG!!
todae was kinda ok...except fer the hiding & coloring of the new shoes...
afta skool,buy bb tea...
home...siap..n me & fana went out...
to the library...coloring contest....cant tell now...
updates wil b tom.
ate at ljs AGAIN!!!
den home...yeah..
i've gtg...
there's tons of hw to do!!! MATHS!!!n MORE!!!
[i cried as i remembered the pain she's sufferred]
miss u mak!!!

Friday, June 30, 2006

thats me & lina...

ThnX soo Much tOo darLink Vivi!!!

SuCh A nIce edIt!!!

FreNz FoReVer!!!

heys there.
jus a short update.
i had my malay oral jus now.
it suck!!!
haiz...onli GOD noes wad da hell im going thru jus now.
nvm bout that.
ermmmm...s'pore idol...gayle in???YUCKS!!![big one indeed]EWWWWWW!!!
jus a few hw...
jus came back frm bought fer me a bag.
den got this weird woman who had been staring since the tyme i came at the food place.
wen she was abt to leave,she came to me,beri salam,asked my name,& asked where i was from...
Dad had been sick for the last few daes...poor him...haiz...
orytes i've gtg...
i really miss mum so much!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

hey there...
jus a quick one here...
have been bz lately...
homewerks...studies & evritink...
im starting to like mathematics...hahaha for maths lessons...there'll b miss norhuda!!eeeeeeeeee
my class will be having third recess evridae!!!STARVING!!!
periods were darn boring!!
but lucky...has same p.e dae with lina!!!!!wooohoo!!!
n 4 daes of same recess!!! YEaH!!!
my malay o levels oral is dis fridae...i hope Allah will help me ease my nervousness...hehe

Sunday, June 25, 2006

homewerk not finished...
have tyme main comp.hahas
skewl's on tomorrow!! HAIZ!!!

Sumtyms i wonder...why do we need to study??
& we gals wud end up in the kitchen no matter wad
isit a requirement to enter heaven??[sobs]
im tired of studying..of hw...of teachers' lectures.
felt like giving up.that i'll do if i fail this obstacle..
can i jus live life by obeying to GOD & jus GOD??!!

thats the cries from my 'bloody hating skewl heart'
wen we fail,they said that we didnt study...
let me tell u sumting..FATE DECIDES IT ALL!!
not u teachers!! thats for sure...
if GOD says that i'll fail,I"LL FAIL NO MATER WAD!!!!


i dreamt that i failed my O's...& stood there smiling by miself...
wad was that suppose to mean??
if pple says that the opposite wil happen...
then i wud b shaking my legs off the stupid skewl chair RITE NOW!!!

k...i blabbered enuf.
n im sick & tired.
jus appear haggard to skewl tom.
& jus label myself STRESSED!!!


k arh...

i'm off!!!

LURVE U MUM & DAD sooooo mUCH!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

eRmmm...PaUl & RahImAh In The MakIng... :)
The 4 SwIthEaRtS..Yea!! we LovE e/o!!
Do I LOok BoLLy??ouh JasminE...
u SpoIlt My PIcTurE...HaiYah!!!! :p


ok here goes the story...yesterdae in skewl,i was damn freaking blur like i'd never thia's qns made me so shaky that i cudnt answer them...BLUR MIE!!!thats nvm.den in the afternoon...met with gals in the bus...laughter & tears surround us as alwaes..:) we went to eastpoint to have great fun together...we entered the arcade...well,it was nice...but i saw too many known faces there...there's KAMMAL...ASHRAF...MOHSIN....MAHATHIR....RIDZUAN...AISYAH...thats all i cu d remember...lucky they left soon after i was...sabina's & maine's bravery enter into the pool spot...haha..DAMN FUNNY!!! U SHud see them live in action!!!ahakx..i was caught in the eye by two cute guys...i shall not expand on that cos its too embarassing...ouh ya...not fergetting...i played real well last nite...i dunnoe...jus the mood!!ermmm...we sent maine off & ate at BK!!cant blief that my senior MICHELLE CHEONG a.k.a CHEONG YIN YING[the top o level student in esss last year fer sec 5n]entered the miss singapore world wonder she looked familiar...thats cool aniwaes...while eating...we threesome watched this young couple being romantic in sch t-shirts....hahha...saw ernie & a wave at least...den we went off to lepak at tmart there...saw a couple of sec4n esss peeps.ermmm haha...dun laugh ok...that we took the wrong bus 2 tymes yesterdae..itwas horrible i tell ya...with my ezlink drying off...haiyah...we took pics unda the block..while they puffed,i was editing the taken pics...den we set off home...haha...i love yesterdae...jus a fine dae..but one ting is dat WE LIED TO DAD!!!! i felt horrible...honest...k arh...i've gtg...many hw...bubbyes...